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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51572222, 50702046, 51172183, and 11604265).
Light–matter interaction plays an important role in the non-equilibrium physics, especially in strongly correlated electron systems with complex phases. Photoinduced effect can cause the variation in the physical properties and produce some emergent phases. As a classical archetype, manganites have received much attention due to their colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effect and the strong interaction of charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom. In this paper, we give an overview of photoinduced effect in manganites and their heterostructures. In particular, some materials, including ZnO, Si, BiFeO3 (BFO), titanate-based oxides, and 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) have been integrated with manganites. Heterostructures composed of these materials display some exciting and intriguing properties. We do hope that this review offers a guiding idea and more meaningful physical phenomena will be discovered in active areas of solid state physics and materials science.
As typical strongly correlated electron systems, transition-metal oxides with perovskite or related structures have presented novel physical properties and mechanisms due to the complex interplay of charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom. In particular, the emergent physics have attracted the interest of many scientists and continuous research upsurge, such as the cuprate superconductors,[1,2] multiferroics,[3–6] colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) effect,[7] and 2-dimensional electron gas.[8–12] Among these intriguing properties, the CMR effect has sparked a number of studies on the electromagnetic properties and the exploration of new phases. A milestone of the CMR effect is the discovery in doped perovskite-type manganites in 1993 by Helmholt et al.[13] The appearance of CMR effect can be qualitatively explained with Zener double exchange model,[14] the cooperative Jahn–Teller effect,[15] as well as electronic phase separations (EPS).[16] Usually, the parent REMnO3 oxides (RE = trivalent rare earth element) with the perovskite type structure usually are antiferromagnetic semi-conductive or insulating. If the trivalent rare earth element is partially doped with a divalent alkaline earth element, the doped manganites RE1−xAxMnO3 (A = Ca, Sr, and Ba) are formed and show a variety of astonishing physical phenomena.[17,18] Meanwhile, the manganites possess versatile unconventional electromagnetic phases as a function of doping x and temperature. Thus, besides magnetic field, other external stimuli may unbalance the competing phases and can drive the dramatic phase conversion on a macroscopic scale, such as photo-irradiation,[19] x-rays,[20] electron-beams,[21] voltage effect,[22,23] and current injection.[24] The underlying mechanism is believed to be consistent with that of CMR. For example, the photo-irradiation, being the external perturbation, offers a convenient and powerful method to change the charge carriers and causes the variation in the physical properties of manganites.[25] Additionally, it also induces the appearance of some hidden phases,[26] which is promising for photonic devices and photoelectric applications.
Before proceeding, we offer readers to several earlier reviews on manganites. For examples, Dagotto[27] and Tokura[28] introduced the basic properties of perovskite manganites and the effects of doping on electronic phase diagrams as well as on transport properties in detail. Yi et al.[29] reviewed the magnetic phenomena at oxide interfaces. Huijben et al.[30] discussed the transport anisotropy controlled by the oxygen octahedral coupling. There are several reviews that focus on the structure and strain affecting transport and physical properties. Prellier et al.[31] and Haghiri–Gosnet et al.[32] focused on the effects of epitaxial strains on the physical properties of CMR manganite films. Van et al.[33] reviewed different methods of accommodating the strain induced by the substrate. We also would like to provide readers with the reviews of related effects and phenomena. Wang et al.[34] summarized the domain walls of those manganites and Zhang et al.[35] discussed the fundamental issues related to the size effects on the magnetic properties and charge ordering in manganites. Liu et al.[36] reviewed CMR effect in manganites and related prototype devices. Siwach et al.[37] summarized the potential for low-field magnetic field induced by grain boundaries. Liu et al.[38] presented a comprehensive review on the electronic structure, transport and magnetic properties of manganites and underlying physics. Dong et al.[39] focused on the competition and modulation of various phases in perovskite manganites. Ge et al.[40] and Wang et al.[41] gave a brief review of recent investigations on oxide heterostructures based on the phase separation scenario.
Researches about the properties of manganites and their heterostructures include a large field with a long history and depth, far beyond the scope of this short review. Therefore, we only provide a more comprehensive summary of the photoinduced effect and related physics. The goal is to give a clear understanding in the field of complex oxides and the optical physics of the electron strong correlation systems.
Recently, the photoinduced phase transition (PIPT) has attracted more attention, especially in CMR manganite systems with rich electronic and structural phases. In this multiple phases competition and coexistence system, the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom of 3d electrons will make it possible to control the various properties of manganite via cooperative effects induced by optical excitation.[42] In addition, in laser irradiation materials, photons will trigger a collective change in electronic states. If a material has a mixed valence with localized electrons and strong electron–lattice coupling, it will be a good candidate for PIPT, just like the Mn3+ and Mn4+ in doped manganites system.[43]
Photoinduced effects in different manganite systems exhibit different phenomena caused by different mechanisms. Doped manganites have complex phase diagrams and two kinds of systems are usually focused: the charge-ordering system with EPS and the system with the typical metal–insulator transition.
Some photoinduced effects in the charge-ordering phase with a bicritical behavior competing with ferromagnetic phase have been observed. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the resistance. Solid and dotted lines denote the cooling and warming processes, respectively. Insets show the resistance drop at individual pulses for various time scales.[44] |
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) (a) Temperature dependence of the resistance. Solid and dotted lines denote the cooling and warming processes, respectively. (b) Phase diagram of Pr0.55(Ca0.75Sr0.25)0.45MnO3 film. (c)–(e) Voltage change across the reference resistance caused by the laser illumination.[45] |
Moreover, the photoinduced relaxation of resistance can be measured by the experimental setup shown in Fig.
In addition, the persistent and transient photoinduced effects have been observed in manganites, which originate from different mechanisms, such as the oxygen deficiency in most metallic states and the melting of charge-ordering (CO) state.[49–51] The persistent photoinduced ratio is defined as PPC = (R0 – Rb) ⨯ 100 / R0, where R0 and Rb are the initial resistance without the light illumination and the balanced resistance after the light illumination, respectively. Figure
![]() | Fig. 3. A schematic view of the photoinduced relaxation character experimental facility. PD is a photodiode.[46] |
![]() | Fig. 4. Photoinduced relaxation characters of the La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 films at different temperatures: (a) 80 K, (b) 140 K, (c) 180 K, (d) 230 K.[46] |
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) PPC effect for the films under the light illumination as a function of the doping contents and temperatures.[52] |
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) Photoinduced insulator to metal phase transition in strain-engineered thin film.[60] |
For the manganite systems with the typical metal–insulator transition, the photo-irradiation results in an increase of the resistivity of the film in the metallic state and a decrease in the insulating state.[53–58] Generally, the light can excite the downspin eg electrons, which will destroy the ferromagnetic coupling between the upward-spin eg and t2g electrons in Mn3+ ions. As a result, it weakens the double exchange effect and increases the resistivity. Namely, this is the so-called photoinduced demagnetization. Moreover, according to the double-exchange effect, the probability of the eg electron transferring from Mn3+ to the neighboring Mn4+ is proportional to cos(θ/2) (θ being the angle between the neighboring spins). Supposing that the interaction of the photo-irradiation causes a change δ of angle θ, the relative change in probability is defined as follows:
Heterostructure is an important platform for tuning the properties and producing novel effect as well as applications by interface effect and strain engineering.[69–71] As Kroemer, Nobel Prize laureate in physics, said, “Interface is the device”.[72] In particular, different substrates and interfaces manipulate the structural symmetry, lattice constant, dimensions, and quantum size of the thin film. Therefore, the energy band structure of manganite is tailored. In this way, the electronic energy band structure of the film can also be affected due to the limited freedom of movement of the electrons and the interface electronic states generated by the interface interaction coupling. The interface strain is mainly caused by different single crystal substrates. Until now, some materials, such as ZnO, Si, BFO, titanate-based oxides, and 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3−0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) have been integrated with manganites. The overviews are as followed.
ZnO is an important wide band gap semiconductor with a bandwidth of 3.37 eV. In general, it favors the n-type conduction and possesses a large exciton binding energy. The divalent alkaline-doped manganites exhibit p-type conduction. Thus, the heterostructures combining manganites with n-type ZnO will create novel physical properties. Until now, there are many studies on manganites/ZnO heterostructures, involving electrical characteristics, positive magnetoresistance, and charge-transport mechanism, etc.[73–80] La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) and ZnO layers on LaAlO3 (100) substrates have been fabricated by using a pulsed laser deposition method.[81,82] The schematic illustration and the current–voltage characteristics of the heterostructure at different temperatures are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. The I–V characteristics of the heterostructure at different temperatures.[81] |
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) Photovoltaic voltage as a function of time at 138 K, 238 K, and 358 K.[82] |
As an important semiconductor, Si is an indispensable element of modern information industry. Considering the practical applications in devices, it is of special significance to study the integration of manganites with Si. So far, a large amount of phenomena based on manganites/Si heterostructures have been observed, such as photovoltaic effect,[83–87] rectification characteristics,[88] and magnetoresistance.[89–91] For example, Chen et al.[92] prepared a La0.88Te0.12MnO3/Si heterostructure using a pulsed laser deposition method. The heterostructure has a photovoltaic effect and good rectification. Xing et al.[93] investigated the side-illumination-induced enhancement of photovoltaic response in La0.9Sr0.1MnO3/Si heterostructures. The photovoltaic responsivity can reach 6.87 mV·mW−1 under the side illumination, which is much larger than 0.17 mV·mW−1 under the normal illumination.
We have deposited the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) film on a single-crystal Si (100) substrate.[94] The temperature dependence of the resistivity is shown in the inset of Fig.
![]() | Fig. 9. Temperature dependence of the maximum photovoltages. Inset shows the temperature dependence of resistivity of the LSMO film.[94] |
In addition, we also investigated the photoinduced effect on carrier transport properties in the LSMO/Si heterostructures.[95] Figure
![]() | Fig. 10. (color online) Temperature dependence of resistance and PR of the heterostructure in CPP geometry. The resistance is given on a natural log scale. The resistance as a function of power level at 100 K and 240 K is shown in the inset and the solid lines are the fitted curves using a simple power law.[95] |
As early as 2003, the multiferroic properties of single-phase BFO were observed.[97] Then, researches on perovskite single-phase multiferroic materials attracted much attention again.[98,99] In particular, the BFO has excellent photoelectric properties.[100–104] Nevertheless, the magnetism of BFO is very weak and thus researchers want to enhance it through compositing with other materials. We have prepared BFO/La1/3Sr2/3MnO3 heterostructures.[105] The results show that BFO/La1/3Sr2/3MnO3 heterostructures retain multiferroic properties and furthermore magnetic properties are enhanced because of the interfacial effect. In addition, the photovoltaic effect was also observed in the heterostructures.[106,107] It is observed that the short-circuit current is inverted with the change of polarization of the BFO layer. Figure
![]() | Fig. 11. (color online) (a) The time dependence of the photo current under zero bias and an incident laser intensity of 91.4 mW/cm2, (b) J–V curves measured with laser incident.[106] |
![]() | Fig. 12. Dark, 160 mW/cm2, and 200 mW/cm2 green-light current density as a function of applied field for the heterostructure.[107] |
Titanate-based oxide, a perovskite material with a high dielectric constant, has potential applications for dynamic random access memory (DRAM) devices, and its dielectric constant can also be adjusted by an external field. At the same time, manganites-based heterostructures have also attracted wide attention with the gradual deepening study of different functional devices with different structures.[109–114] Recently, many researchers have conducted in-depth studies on the photoelectric effect of heterostructures, such as manganite/Nb:SrTiO3 heterostructures.[115–118] We prepared phase-separated manganite heterostructures (Pr0.65(Ca0.75Sr0.25)0.35MnO3 (PCSMO)/Nb:SrTiO3 by the pulsed laser deposition. The optoelectronic properties of the heterostructures under the application of a magnetic field were investigated. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 13. Temperature dependence of (a) photovoltage of heterostructure irradiated by a laser, (b) PV for PCSMO/Nb:SrTiO3 under different magnetic fields, respectively. Inset: the schematic diagram of heterostructure under magnetic field and light.[119] |
![]() | Fig. 14. (color online) Photovoltage versus power under the illumination of a 473 nm laser beam at 20 K. Inset is the structure of the film.[120] |
![]() | Fig. 15. (color online) Photovoltages of the heterostructure under the irradiation of a laser (248 nm) at T = 300 K as a function of time. The inset shows the peak photovoltages as a function of the power density.[121] |
![]() | Fig. 16. (color online) A schematic image of the relationship between JSC and correlated gap in correlated junctions. The insets show the schematic band diagrams for (left) LSMO (001) junctions, (middle) LSMO (110) junction under high magnetic field (6 T) or high temperature (HT), and (right) LSMO (110) junction without magnetic field (0 T) or low temperature (LT), respectively.[122] |
![]() | Fig. 17. (color online) Dielectric constant (a) and its relative variation (b) as a function of temperature for the BST/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 heterostructure exposed to light of different intensities with an interval of 5 mW/mm2. Inset: the sketches of the crystal lattice structure for the La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 and barium titanate layers at different temperature ranges.[123] |
Besides, we systematically studied the microstructure, leakage current, and tunability of the dielectric constant of the barium titanate/manganite heterostructures induced by an optical field. As shown in Fig.
The combination of a manganite thin film and a ferroelectric PMN-PT single crystal is a promising platform. It is considered as a convenient method to modulate the physical properties of films.[132–137] An electric field can be applied to the substrate and thus the lattice constant of PMN-PT can be continuously adjusted by utilizing the electrostriction effect. So, the physical properties of the film can be continuously controlled.[138–142] If an ultra-thin film is grown, the interface polarization of PMN-PT will play a dominant role. It can also be considered as a ferroelectric field effect transistor, in which manganite and PMN-PT substrates serve as conductive path and insulated gate, respectively. The electric field-induced polarization of the ferroelectric layer can not only generate the lattice distortion, but also generate charge accumulation or depletion at the interface.
Here, a Pr0.65(Ca0.75Sr0.25)0.35MnO3 (PCSMO) thin film was deposited on the piezoelectric PMN-PT substrate by pulsed laser deposition. Besides the observed persistent magnetoresistance effect,[143] the PCSMO/PMN-PT heterostructure exhibits a reversible bistability in the photoinduced change in resistance at T < 80 K as the voltages are increased.[144] We define the photoinduced change in the resistance (PR), PR = ( Rdark – Rlight ) / Rdark × 100%. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 18. (color online) (a) Resistance as a function of elapsed time upon the application of light irradiation and bias voltage 40 V at 150 K. (b) and (c) Variation of normalized PR under the different voltages at 65 K and 80 K, respectively. (d) Temperature dependence of PR for the PCSMO film by applying different bias voltages. The inset shows the temperature dependence of VT.[144] |
In summary, the transition metal oxide systems with perovskite structures are a veritable storehouse of abundant physical properties. Manganites are one drop in the ocean and there are many original properties that need to be explored and excavated. On the one hand, researching on the manganites and their heterostructures photoinduced effects provide us opportunities to understand the physical mechanisms of manganites, multiphase coexistence, magnetoelectric coupling, and other rich effects deeply. On the other hand, in terms of the exploration and development of dynamic random access memory and optoelectronic devices, this review also provides us with some insights and theoretical support. In addition, as a powerful method, the photoinduced effect can also be extended to other related systems and may produce novel performance and effect. This brief review just likes a glimpse in the pipe, providing simple investigations of photoinduced effect in manganites and their heterostructures. There are still a lot of issues that need to be solved. Future research will focus on the study of intrinsic mechanisms of the non-equilibrium physics at the quantum scale and interface, especially about the multi-functional and multi-field coupling with strong correlations, which may be useful in developing responsive and memorized devices of external fields.
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